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By Anjang

BROMO ECO TOURISM & Putrajaya tour Malang

The Adventure explores tourism in Java

Wanderlust Wisdom: The Ultimate Travel Guide

There are several suggestions you should consider and plan for before visiting a tourist destination to make your trip run more smoothly.

Who is Bromo Eco Tourism ?

We are a reputable tour company and local online tour operator offering trip packages to Mount Bromo, Ijen Crater, Tumpak Sewu Waterfall, and other popular tourist locations.

bromo tourism,bromo sunrise tour,mount bromo tour,bromo sunrise,bromo tour,tour bromo ijen,bromo ijen tour,tumpak sewu tour

The Ultimate Guide and Tips to Travel


1. Plan ahead

Before traveling to Mount Bromo, it is important to plan ahead. Research the best time to visit, the weather conditions, and the necessary permits and fees. Make sure to book accommodations and transportation in advance to avoid any last-minute stress.

2. Dress appropriately

The weather at Mount Bromo can be unpredictable, so it is important to dress appropriately. Bring warm clothing for the early morning sunrise hike, as temperatures can drop to below freezing. Wear comfortable shoes with good traction for the steep and rocky terrain.

3. Bring a camera

Mount Bromo is known for its stunning views and landscapes, so don't forget to bring a camera to capture the beauty. Make sure to bring extra batteries and memory cards, as you will want to take plenty of photos.

4. Hire a local guide

Hiring a local guide is highly recommended when visiting Mount Bromo. They can provide valuable information about the area, help navigate the trails, and ensure your safety. They can also take you to lesser-known spots for a more unique experience.

5. Respect the environment

Mount Bromo is a natural wonder and it is important to respect the environment. Do not litter or damage any of the flora and fauna. Follow the designated trails and do not wander off into restricted areas.

6. Stay hydrated

The high altitude and physical activity can cause dehydration, so it is important to stay hydrated. Bring plenty of water and drink regularly throughout the day.

7. Be prepared for the crowds

Mount Bromo is a popular tourist destination, so be prepared for crowds. To avoid the crowds, consider visiting during the off-season or early in the morning. Be patient and respectful of other visitors, and enjoy the experience.


1. Wear appropriate clothing

The Madakaripura waterfall is located in a canyon, so it is important to wear comfortable and appropriate clothing. Wear clothes that are easy to move in and can get wet. It is also recommended to wear shoes with good grip, as the rocks can be slippery.

2. Bring a waterproof bag

To protect your belongings from getting wet, bring a waterproof bag. This is especially important if you plan on taking photos or bringing electronics with you.

3. Hire a local guide

Hiring a local guide is highly recommended, as they can provide valuable information about the area and ensure your safety. They can also help you navigate the trail and provide assistance if needed.

4. Start early

It is best to start your journey early in the morning to avoid the crowds and the heat. The trail can be quite challenging, so it is important to give yourself enough time to reach the waterfall and return safely.

5. Bring snacks and water

The trail to the waterfall can take up to 2 hours, so it is important to bring snacks and water to keep yourself hydrated and energized.

6. Respect the environment

The Madakaripura waterfall is a sacred site for the local people, so it is important to respect the environment and the culture. Do not litter, and avoid making loud noises.

7. Be prepared for the weather

The weather in the canyon can be unpredictable, so it is important to be prepared for rain or sudden changes in temperature. Bring a raincoat or a jacket, and check the weather forecast before your trip.


1. Wear comfortable shoes

The hike to Tumpak Sewu waterfall can be quite challenging, so it's important to wear comfortable shoes with good grip. Avoid flip-flops or sandals, as they can be slippery and dangerous.

2. Bring a waterproof bag

You will be crossing a river and getting wet during the hike, so it's important to bring a waterproof bag to protect your belongings. You can also use it to store your wet clothes after the hike.

3. Hire a local guide

Hiring a local guide is highly recommended, as they know the area well and can provide valuable information about the waterfall and its surroundings. They can also help you navigate the challenging terrain and ensure your safety.

4. Bring enough water and snacks

The hike to Tumpak Sewu waterfall can take several hours, so it's important to bring enough water and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized. There are no food or drink vendors along the way, so it's best to bring your own.

5. Wear sunscreen and a hat

The sun can be quite strong in the area, so it's important to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

6. Respect the environment

Tumpak Sewu waterfall is a natural wonder, so it's important to respect the environment and avoid littering. Take your trash with you and leave the area as you found it.

7. Be prepared for the weather

The weather in the area can be unpredictable, so it's important to be prepared for rain or sudden changes in temperature. Bring a raincoat or jacket, and dress in layers to adjust to the weather conditions.


1. Plan ahead

Before embarking on your journey to Ijen Crater, it is important to plan ahead. Research the best time to visit, the weather conditions, and the necessary permits and fees required for entry. This will ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip.

2. Dress appropriately

The trek to Ijen Crater can be challenging, so it is important to dress appropriately. Wear comfortable and sturdy shoes, and dress in layers as the temperature can vary throughout the day. Don't forget to bring a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

3. Bring enough water and snacks

The trek to Ijen Crater can take several hours, so it is important to bring enough water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated and energized. There are no food or drink vendors along the way, so it is best to bring your own supplies.

4. Hire a local guide

Hiring a local guide is highly recommended when visiting Ijen Crater. They are knowledgeable about the area and can provide valuable information about the history and geology of the crater. They can also ensure your safety during the trek.

5. Be prepared for the sulfur fumes

Ijen Crater is known for its sulfur fumes, which can be overwhelming at times. It is important to bring a mask or scarf to cover your nose and mouth and to avoid getting too close to the fumes.

6. Respect the environment

Ijen Crater is a natural wonder, and it is important to respect the environment. Do not litter or damage the surroundings, and follow the rules and regulations set by the park authorities.

7. Take your time and enjoy the view

The trek to Ijen Crater can be challenging, but it is also a rewarding experience. Take your time and enjoy the stunning views of the crater and the surrounding landscape. Don't forget to take plenty of photos to capture the memories of your trip.


1. Plan ahead

Before traveling to Sukamade, it is important to plan ahead. Make sure to research the area, the best time to visit, and the activities available. Also, make sure to book accommodations and tours in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

2. Pack appropriately

Sukamade is a remote area, so it is important to pack appropriately. Bring comfortable clothing, insect repellent, sunscreen, and a hat. Also, bring a flashlight, as the area can get quite dark at night.

3. Bring cash

There are no ATMs in Sukamade, so it is important to bring enough cash for your entire trip. Make sure to bring enough for accommodations, tours, and food.

4. Respect the environment

Sukamade is a protected area, so it is important to respect the environment. Do not litter, do not disturb the wildlife, and follow the rules set by the park rangers.

5. Be prepared for the journey

Getting to Sukamade can be a long and bumpy journey. Be prepared for a rough ride and bring motion sickness medication if needed. Also, make sure to bring enough water and snacks for the journey.

6. Take a guided tour

Taking a guided tour is the best way to explore Sukamade. The park rangers are knowledgeable about the area and can take you to the best spots to see wildlife, such as sea turtles and monkeys.

7. Enjoy the experience

Sukamade is a unique and beautiful area, so make sure to enjoy the experience. Take in the natural beauty, learn about the wildlife, and relax in the peaceful surroundings.


1. Start early

The summit of Semeru is best climbed in the early morning hours when the weather is cooler and the views are clearer. Start your climb at around 1-2 am to ensure you reach the summit in time for sunrise.

2. Pack light

The climb to the summit of Semeru is a strenuous one, so it's important to pack light. Bring only the essentials, such as warm clothing, a headlamp, snacks, and water. Leave unnecessary items behind to avoid carrying extra weight.

3. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial during the climb to the summit of Semeru. Bring at least 2-3 liters of water and drink regularly to avoid dehydration. You can also bring water purification tablets or a water filter to refill your water bottle along the way.

4. Wear appropriate clothing

The temperature at the summit of Semeru can drop to below freezing, so it's important to wear warm clothing. Dress in layers, including a waterproof jacket, gloves, and a hat. Wear sturdy hiking boots with good traction to avoid slipping on the rocky terrain.

5. Take breaks

The climb to the summit of Semeru is a long and strenuous one, so it's important to take breaks along the way. Rest for a few minutes every hour to catch your breath and recharge your energy.

6. Follow the trail markers

The trail to the summit of Semeru is well-marked with signs and flags. Follow the markers to avoid getting lost and stay on the designated trail to protect the fragile ecosystem.

7. Respect the environment

The summit of Semeru is a beautiful and fragile environment, so it's important to respect it. Pack out all your trash and avoid damaging the vegetation. Stick to the designated trail and avoid shortcuts to protect the fragile ecosystem.


1. Plan your visit in advance

Before heading to Borobudur Temple, make sure to plan your visit in advance. Check the opening hours, ticket prices, and any special events or ceremonies that may be taking place. It's also a good idea to book your tickets online to avoid long lines at the entrance.

2. Dress appropriately

Borobudur Temple is a sacred site, so it's important to dress appropriately. Wear comfortable clothing that covers your shoulders and knees, and avoid wearing revealing or tight-fitting clothes. You may also want to bring a hat and sunscreen, as the temple can get quite hot.

3. Hire a guide

To fully appreciate the history and significance of Borobudur Temple, it's recommended to hire a guide. They can provide you with valuable insights and information about the temple's architecture, symbolism, and history.

4. Bring water and snacks

Exploring Borobudur Temple can be tiring, so make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized. There are also several food stalls and restaurants near the temple where you can grab a bite to eat.

5. Respect the temple and its surroundings

Borobudur Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a place of worship for Buddhists, so it's important to show respect for the temple and its surroundings. Avoid touching or climbing on the temple's structures, and be mindful of your behavior and language.

6. Visit at sunrise or sunset

One of the best times to visit Borobudur Temple is at sunrise or sunset. Not only is the light perfect for photography, but you can also avoid the crowds and enjoy a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

7. Explore the surrounding area

Borobudur Temple is located in a beautiful and scenic area, so take some time to explore the surrounding villages, rice fields, and mountains. You can also visit nearby attractions such as the Mendut Temple and the Pawon Temple.


1. Plan your visit in advance

Before heading to Prambanan Temple, it's important to plan your visit in advance. Check the opening hours, ticket prices, and any special events or ceremonies that may be taking place during your visit.

2. Dress appropriately

As a temple, Prambanan has a dress code that visitors must adhere to. Make sure to wear clothing that covers your shoulders and knees, and avoid wearing revealing or tight-fitting clothing.

3. Bring sunscreen and water

Prambanan Temple is located in a hot and humid area, so it's important to bring sunscreen and water to stay hydrated and protected from the sun.

4. Hire a guide

To fully appreciate the history and significance of Prambanan Temple, consider hiring a guide. They can provide valuable insights and information about the temple's architecture, history, and cultural significance.

5. Respect the temple and its surroundings

As a sacred site, it's important to show respect for the temple and its surroundings. Avoid touching or climbing on the temple structures, and be mindful of your actions and behavior while on the temple grounds.

6. Take your time exploring

Prambanan Temple is a large complex with many structures and areas to explore. Take your time and don't rush through your visit, as there is much to see and appreciate.

7. Visit during off-peak hours

To avoid crowds and long lines, consider visiting Prambanan Temple during off-peak hours. Early in the morning or late in the afternoon are good times to visit when there are fewer visitors.

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We are a reputable tour company and local online tour operator offering trip packages to Mount Bromo, Ijen Crater, Tumpak Sewu Waterfall, and other popular tourist locations.

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